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tv   News 4 at 6  NBC  May 26, 2011 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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>> we begin tonight with a word of some severe weather in our area. good evening. i'm jim vance. >> i'm doreen gentzler. we go straight to doug kammerer. >> we're watching storms to the corridor, nowhere near the metro area and we are going see these storms well to the west. you can see them on live digital doppler radar. right now we do have a tornado warning in the shenandoah county and that is in virginia. we also have a new severe thunderstorm warning for hardy county, hamster county, berkeley county, west virginia, frederick county in northwest virginia and allegheny in mineral counties as well. we'll take a zoom in and you'll see where the storms and are just to the west of i-81 and these storms have had a history of producing very large hail and upwards of quarter-sized hail with some of these storms especially the one in northeastern hardy county and that's the one that does have the tornado warning associated with it and right around the
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whartonsville area making its way east at 35 miles an hour and we'll do a track here and on that track the next couple of areas that are going to be impacted by that storm as it makes its way toward the north and east will be to the north of strasbourg and we're talking about whartonsville, zap and mountain falls around 6:30 or 4:00 hour. very large hail associated with this storm and the possibility of a tornado. if you live in that area, make sure you're in an interior room. right now these storms have a history of rotation and we'll continue to watch the storms as they head off to the north and east. doreen, these are not coming near the metro area and they will stay back toward the shenandoah valley and interstate west of 81. >> we'll see you again in a few minutes. now to the shift of the mission in missouri as the midwest gets a break from the severe weather. the recovery, forts can kick into full gear. 125 people have been killed in joplin. not all of them have been identified yet. an estimated 900 people were injured after the tornado on sunday and for the first time
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we're getting a better indication of how many people may still be missing. jay gray has a look at the daunting cleanup task ahead there. >> reporter: the overwhelming task of dealing with six miles of debris has started in joplin. >> doing everything we can for the community. >> there is so much twisted metal, splintered wood and shattered glass that teams work in waves with everything from front loaders and backhoes to survivors pulling out what they can by hand. >> i guess this is the first step right here of getting these cars out and take it day by day. >> on this day as the cleanup effort intensifies, city leaders stress they have not abandoned the search for survivors. >> we will not stop looking for people as the bulldozers come in and begin to clean up. >> we now know search and rescue teams are looking for at least 231 people still missing and officials released that number today for the first time since
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the storm. >> we will dedicate as much state resources as needed around the clock to make sure that all of those family members that have loved ones that they cannot find are connected. >> reporter: it's a dedication that many cling to as they struggle to push through the shattered remnants of what was their lives before the storm. >> this is forever. >> reporter: their american dream battered, but their spirit unbroken. >> we will survive. we're emergency after all. we're missourians. >> reporter: survivors all still fighting through debris like this even though they've been pushed well past their limits here. in joplin, missouri, jay gray, news 4. a trial in a road rage case may not happen. today a judge in fairfax county continued that case until tuesday. that will give haynesworth more time possible toe settle with the alleged victim. the man accused haynesworth of
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punching him back in january and they got into a traffic altercation in virginia. the assault charge against haynesworth might be thrown out. haynesworth is facing a separate misdemeanor sex abuse charge and that was for an allegeden counter with a waitress. that case is scheduled to go to trial in july. kevin ricks used to be a high school teacher in manassas and he accepted a plea deal in march and has been sentenced now to 25 years in jail for production and possession of child pornography. prosecutors say he molested boys in maryland, virginia, north carolina and japan. in court today one of his victims spoke out. melissa malay now with more on an emotional day in court, melissa? >> it was an emotional, but a cleansing day for christopher pain. he was 11 years old when kevin rishgs his counselor abused him. he now wants to do anything he can to help victims until parent his to spot signs of abuse.
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>> my mother never understood. >> reporter: there's a sads than has chased kristen payne for much of his life until now. >> i got tired of beating myself up thinking it was my fault and i realized i was 11 years old. >> reporter: he was sexually abused by kevin ricks that year. now he's forgiving him. >> he admitted it and it was a big surprise to me. >> reporter: payne warns parents to look for sign, withdrawal, low self esteem, sadness, anger, nightmares and signs that your kid's being hurt. >> if your kid is going through a rough time, sit down and talk to him. prosecutors say he led a double life as a charismatic, successful and popular teacher and counselor, but he also had a dark side. they point to photo entries and journals and videos that chronicle his 30-year history of molesting young boys. in february of last year a manassas mother became suspicious of ricks and went to
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the police. neil mcbride says parents should be very aware of people that might be too interested in your child. ricks would give his victims ipods and take them on trips. >> in the case of kevin ricks he did a lot of things which in hindsight looked funny. >> the fbi, homeland security and virginia state police have ramped up efforts to catch predators like ricks with the project safe childhood portfolio and it's a program that combines resources to help identify victims and their abusers. there is no template for a sex abuser. pairn looks to closing this chaptder of his life and he looks for children at a residential school. tell him, if something happened to you and it's not your fault. they need to understand that it's never their fault. never. >> payne says he'd love to talk with ricks's other victims and help them heal. for more signs of sexual abuse and where you can get yourself
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help and someone else help go to, just search the word abuse. >> melissa malay. thanks, melissa. a second person is in custody for an attack on a transgendered woman. farkim french turned himself in, la 18-year-old laquita web was taken into custody tuesday and both were called by an offense called malicious wounding by mob. a transgendered woman was beaten up outside a fredericksburg 7-eleven last saturday. police are looking for two more suspects in this case. the montgomery county council unanimously approved accost. government workers including police will have to pay more for their health insurance and contribute more to their retirement plans. it cuts more than $100 million from the montgomery county's school budget. the cuts are needed to close a
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$300 million shortfall, but educators worry about the impact on the classroom. the board of education right now is hoping that there will be no increase in class sizes. however, there will be an eliminating of a very difficult choices in this budget ask we knew this was the year to do it. one of the things we did was we decided to not fund the school system at its maintenance of effort level. >> the budget also includes a 4.5% increase in the property tax. montgomery county homeowners are also going get a one-time tax credit of nearly $700. on warm days like this one thing you can count on is that you'll find folks fishing along the anacostia river, but there is a warning tonight. that river is a lot cleaner than it used to be. nevertheless, eating the fish out of there is probably not a good idea. derek ward has our report. >> the anacostia river used to
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run deep enough that tall ships could sail to the port down of blatensburg during colonial trade and farming and development along its banks caused the channel to silt over and by the mid-19th century it was a decline as a commercial route, but the wild life has been more resilient. >> we have bald alleges that live on the anacostia river. >> and the water. >> we have a lot of cat fish. we have eels. historically this river was historically known as having a fish population. >> i don't think that anyone that would come after a rain would think we are a success yet. >> fishing is a terrific activity. we're suggesting as a first instance, catch and release. >> these anglers do that sometimes, but sometimes they catch and eat, too. >> i freeze them, skin them, clean them, let them soak. i chopped them up and environmental authorities, and those who keep track say they're seeing more diversity among
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those who fish here. there's an emerging need for the advisory who need more and speak other languages and there are more who fish these waters more than just creation and sustenance and there's a risk there. >> they can affect mental functions and it's a cancer risk of some of the organic compounds. >> toxins from industrial sites along the river especially in the district and then also bacteria loading from combined sewer overflows in the district. >> it's not just from d.c. runoff from prince george's and montgomery counties as well upon the experts say a fishable, swimmable river is attainable. derek ward, news 4. if you must eat the fish out of the anacostia. they said to be sure to cook it thoroughly really well. a lot of the toxins are in that fat. coming up on news 4, we'll take a look at the flight that ended up in the trees and off
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the runway. we'll have the most wanted man in the world in custody tonight. a d.c. firefighter gets a hero's welcome after being burned in a house fire. the supreme court handed down a victory for groups fighting illegal immigration. >> what's ahead in sports? >> the orioles break out the brooms and the bats in their matinee with the royals. redskins owner dan snyder speaking candidly about that lawsuit involving the washington city paper
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>> hello, everybody. meet onon the gist doug kaermer are watching a very dangerous situation of western portion of the area. parts of west virginia including hampshire county and that's where a dangerous storm is
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located right now. that's making its way through northern portion of hampshire county. severe thunderstorm warning there until 6:45. that storm i would not be surprised if you didn't have ping-pong-sized hail or quarter-sized hail, very large hail potentially with that storm and a new severe thunderstorm warning which includes frederick county into virginia including the winchester area. watch out around winchester. that severe thunderstorm warning until 7:00, shenandoah county, hamster county and frederick county. that county in northern virginia once again. these are not coming close to the metro area. they will stay mostly to the west of i-81, but these are dangerous storms and if you live in that area you want to make sure you stay inside in the interior portion of your room. >> thanks, doug. bad news from of aing pafg. seven american troops who were killed in an explosion in southern afghanistan today. nato officials have not released details about the explosion.
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however, the taliban is claiming responsibility. a spokesman for the taliban told the associated press that a powerful bomb was planted in a field and that it went off as the americans passed by on foot patrol. >> president obama is now in france for the group of eight summit after he arrived he learned that bosnian serb general radko mladic had been captured after 16 years on the run. steve handelsman has our report. >> reporter: thanks, good afternoon. what radko mladic is accused of was so horrible it got the u.s. government involved. we forced a peace treaty in 1995. we policed it with american forces and it worked and now mladic is caught. president obama got the news at the g-8 summit in france and applauded the arrest of radko mladic. the butcher of bosnia. he commanded serb forces in the bosnian civil war. this was 1995, the muslim town of srebrenica. mladic comforted a young muslim
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and let the women go and gathered the men and boys. 8,000 were killed. the worst genocide in europe since the nazis. mladic disappeared until today. mladic is in the baseball cap. the serbian government arrested him, took him to court and said mladic will be sent to the war crimes court in holland. north of serbia is where u.s. forces planned missile defense to shoot down rockets launched by iran, but russian president medvedev fears the system could be used against his nation and he mocked the u.s. denial. i have told my counterpart barack obama, he said, this this issue will be resolved in the future like, for example, in the year 2020. nine more years. the president took no offense. >> we look forward to obviously additional discussions with the russian president. >> nato is turning to medvedev
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today to mediate in libya. moammar gadhafi is floating a cease-fire deal, agreeing for the first time to talk to rebel forces, an indication that the military intervention by four of the g-8 nations, france, britain, italy and the u.s. might soon end that war. but gadhafi is not promising to step down and so for now the white house is rejecting the cease-fire offer. i'm steve handelsman, news 4. there was a legal victory for groups fighting illegal immigration. today the supreme court upheld a law in arizona that punishes businesses that knowingly hire workers who are in the country illegally. the vote was 5-3. writing for the prevailing opinion, chief justice john roberts says the law falls within the confines of the author they congress has given states. the dissenting justices say the law could lead to unlawful discrimination. justice elena kagan recused hers because of her previous work on
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the case as solicitor general. president obama's administration joined the chamber of commerce and other businesses -- other business groups, that is, in arguing against the arizona law. >> coming up, the fight against the dulles toll roll fees that could impact every driver in virginia. meals on wheels deliveries off to a roaring start. and it may be early for the [ male announcer ] looking for a complete picture of your money?
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>> it was a close call for passengers on a flight toy is done a arizona. the pilot misjudged the landing causing the plane to skid off the runway. the small plane left san jose, california t landed in sedona
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around 4:00. the pilot must have overshot the runway that abruptly ends in wooded area overlooking the city. the federal aviation administration is investigating this accident. welcome to sedona, huh? >> wow! so it's going to feel like arizona around here and with humidity. hot and humid. the heat index got upward of 95 degrees. >> it felt like summer to me. we've got strong storms out there right now and once again to the west of the washington area out toward i-81 in portions of west virginia. we are going to be seeing sunshine throughout the day today and tomorrow, and a better chance for some of those storms to make their way over the mountains during the day tomorrow. outside right now, look at digital doppler radar and we do have the storms. around the i-95 corridor. it's out to the west. i-81, just to the west. severe thunderstorm, count them,
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one, two, three, four severe thunderstorms and just to the west of hagerstown, moving into parts of allegheny county. another storm right here around hampshire county. this one could be producing very large hail so watch out for that and then more moving into portion of frederick county, virginia and watch out for that storm and this storm with another severe thunderstorm warning in effect for portions of shenandoah count pep so if you live to the west of i-81 into western portion of virginia and western maryland, you really need to watch out over the next couple of hours and stay tuned because these storms definitely mean business. around the washington area we're all clear and we're hot. high temperatures today got up to 92 degrees a the warmest temperature we've seen in months and it was our first 90-degree day of the year and last year we hit 90 on april 6th. temperatures this morning warm as well. the temperature around 68 degrees and out there right now, we're at 88 and wins out of the south at 12 miles per hour and
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the dew points of 65 and the dew point was close to 70 which makes it feel quite humid and 90 in fredericksburg and notice hagerstown and that's the very rain-cooled air and cool that by 20 degrees because of the rain that we've seen. clear skies around the washington area and here's where the storms that popped up right along the mountains here and that's why the mountains will stay well to our west and also the mountains trying to help to produce those storms and they'll continue to move into pennsylvania. not moving to the east and they'll move more toward the north, but still storminess back to the west and this is the same storm that did make its way through the rest of the country, through the plains and through the midwest last night. so we'll watch that one as it tries to get closer to our region during the day tomorrow. here's the story, very warm and humid air ahead of it. so the atmosphere is ready for storminess. all you need is a trigger. that should stay to the north and west tomorrow and i do think most of the storms will once again be over the mountains
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right over the i-81 corridor. however, we could get those in in northern virginia and maybe closer to the district if you're into the chesapeake and out toward the beaches and i think you'll be okay during the day tomorrow and probably for most of the weekend. on saturday this frontal boundary stalls across our area. i think saturday could be rather wet. it's not going to be a washout, and it will be a summerlike system and we'll be talking about cloud cover and mostly cloudy skies with a chance of showers and thunderstorms just about all day on saturday and not too bad a day. i wouldn't cancel plans out there, but i will say this, sunday looks like a great day for the weekend. partly cloudy this even and humid. tomorrow morning, mostly clear, warm and humid with temperatures in the upper 60s to 70s as you step out the door and we'll be warming up quickly and a mixture of sun and clouds with storms. some of the storms out to the west could be on the strong side. high temperature, 85 to 90 degrees and the heat index in the low 90s for sure. we cool off on saturday with the cloud cover and back to 8 1k36
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88 on sunday. 92 on monday. that's memorial day. we're really looking at a sizzle for memorial day as we make our way into next week. i think we stay in the 90s, maybe the mid-90s on tuesday and wednesday. tomorrow starts the holidays. it also start ours backyard weather. can you tell i'm excited about this, doreen? >> yes. >> you would like us to come to your backyard go to we'll broadcast from your back yard the weather and we'll number ocean city, maryland. i'm heading to the beach. >> nice work figuring out how to do that. >> i talked to some people. >> okay, thank you, doug. have fun. coming up, a baby boom in the heart of the nation's capital. >> also ahead, a firefighter who was badly burned in a house fire didn't go straight home when he was released from the hospital today. >> a redistricting fight in the district is heating up and
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racial tensions are rising. ♪ ♪ yeah, we're going meet some very talented local students who hope to sing their way all of the way to france. coming up in sports, how one of the longest holes at congressional will make it very tough on the golfers at u.s. op
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>> the survivors of that deadly tornado in joplin, missouri o sunday are returning now to what's left of their homes or salvaging what they can. authorities say the number of people still unaccounted for has dropped now to 130. today former manassas school teacher kevin ricks was
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sentenced to 25 years for possession of child pornography. he wasn't charged with molesting any of the teen boys he accused of abusinabusing. while the river is cleaner than it used to be eating the fish out of there is still unhealthy. a new campaign is about to kick off to help spread the word. >> a d.c. firefighter who was badly burned on the job received a hero's welcome home today. >> after a month in the hospital chuck ryan was released this afternoon, escorted out by loved ones. ryan was fighting a house fire in northeast, but he got hurt when part of the roof collapsed and julie carey spoke to the firefighter during his homecoming today at his firehouse in anacostia. >> reporter: chuck ryan walked out of washington hospital center surrounded by his fellow fire fighters. they barely left his side during the six-plus weeks he was recovering from burns and today they returned him to his truck, rescue squad 3. >> thank you, everybody, for your help. thanks! >> reporter: but before ryan
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went home, was there a symbolic stop at a southeast washington station house to finish the call he started on april 8th, before he was burned fighting a house fire. >> couldn't tell you the feeling that it was when i walked out of the hospital and rescue squads were sitting out front and were sitting there to bring me back to basically finish the call. >> may day mp may day. >> that was the call for help that came after ryan and his squad went inside the burning home to look for possible victims and the roof collapsed. of the four fire fighters injured, brian was most critically hurt with burns over 30% of his body, but he says he turned the corner the moment he regained consciousness. >> i squeezed my wife's hand and i asked her if we were okay and asked her if i would go back to work. >> he credits the round the clock support of his fellow fire fighters. they did everything from feed him when he being aren't use his badly burned hands to mowing the lawn at his house. >> i have responsibilities to my family and also to my work and
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to my colleagues. these guys are great. i mean, i love them to death, so i knew that i had to keep on going. >> ryan's wife and two children joined them at the firehouse. his son became a volunteer firefighter at age 16, just like his dad. >> it feels great. i'm glad that god allowed me to keep him a little bit longer in my life. >> this is what he loves to do. he's done it since he was 16 and he'll keep on doing until he physically can't do it anymore. >> it will be up for the doctors to decide when chuck ryan can get back to work. he has his own timetable. he'd like to rejoin his squad within six months. >> julie carey, news 4, southeast washington. >> that he does, too. >> a case heard today in u.s. federal court can affect every driver on the dulles toll road and it could end the rail to dulles plans. two virginians are challenging the power of the metropolitan airport to raise tolls above the amount needed to pay for toll road expenses.
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the authority was given that power six years ago. john core and john griggsby say any toll that's higher than expenses amounts to attacks that could go against state laws and the u.s. constitution because it is not elected. it would impact the aim of tolls drivers pay and put the project for the dulles in jeopardy. a ruling is expecteded in next few weeks. every tern years state and local governments have to redistrict themselves to account for population shifts. a process is under way in washington here, but the d.c. council got off to a rough start today. tom sherwood reports. >> give me three minutes. >> no, i'm not going to give you three minutes. >> ward 8 council member marion barry who wants more diversity in his mostly poor ward tried to keep talking as a hearing on political redistricting abruptly ended. >> the meeting is adjourned.
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>> the council is in the midst of redistricting, to reflect shifts in population over the past ten years. under the new plan that will be discussed at a public hearing next week a small portion of ward six on capitol hill at 17th street southeast would be shifted toward seven. it's a ward that mainly lies east of the anacostia river. >> i don't care how many times you've been through this process you don't get to ignore the rules. >> ward six council member tommy wells strongly object to the changes. he accuses jack evans as saving wealthier parts of the city for his own ward, too. >> the bottom line is there may be boundaries to the neighborhoods. >> ward 6 residents being moved into ward 7 say the move destroys neighborhood alliances and weakens their political power and they vow to keep fighting. >> this is about our political representation. we're being divided right down
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the middle. >> tom sherwood, news 4, washington. >> that proposed plan passed 3-0. coming up on news
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hello, everybody. i'm meteorologist doug kammerer in storm center 4. still watching a line of very strong thunderstorms making their way to the west of our region. it does include the winchester area, martinsburg, west virginia. you will see these storms in the next 15 to 20 minutes and hagerstown, just to the west, extremely strong storms there. these storms have a history of looking at ping-pong-sized hail. i have a picture from a viewer in west virginia showing me ping-pong-sized hail. these storms will not impact the d.c. metro area and more heat is on the way. we'll talk more about that in a few minutes. doreen? >> thank you, doug. >> if you're looking to find frequent flier seatings, southwest may be your best bet. they have frequent flyer seat avail 99% of the time.
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they conducted the study of the airlines. jetblue kaim came in with 79% of the time. while all of the airlines demonstrated improve, u.s. airways and delta proved to be significantly behind the rest. it could be, in fact, a trip of a life time for some students at their dukelington school of the arts show choir. those kids have been invited by the french embass toe perform in france, but they need to raise $50,000 to cover the cost. they stopped by our studios today to show off their skills. ♪ ♪ ♪ last year, first lady michelle obama told the kids to get out of d.c. and visit the world. they're trying to do that now, but it will cost them.
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if you'd like to help them and if you'd like to donate some money >> they deserve to go. i'm thinking the young men didn't exactly get show case flood that particular clip. >> not in that one, but they hold their own. >> i'm speaking for their mothers, i guess. >> and i can hear their moms now. >> oh, yeah. >> we know they're all excellent and made quite an impression on everyone here today. >> mom, your son got love. >> another quiet thursday in sports, but we have a lot to talk about. coming up in the show, mike shanahan weighs in on those player-led workout with the redskins. plus redskins owner dan snyder speaks candidly about his role in the teen's decision-m
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>> so you had a chance to sit down today and talk to the man who's i guess got as much on his plate as almost anybody else in town. that's the federal government,
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huh? >> he said a lot of things that we really haven't heard before and top honest, he answered more questions than he thought he would. winning is the most important thing for dan snyder, but has one thing that has consistently eluded him as the redskins owner. the team has had three winning seasons. snyder believes things have changed with shanahan at the helm. he admits his biggest decision mace takes. it was just one of the topics lindsay and i touched on when we sad down with sflieder at redskins park this afternoon. >> in the past the perception has been among the fans that you have been involved in the decision making process behind the scenes. now you have bruce allen and mike shanahan. i heard a story about a player that came to see you shortly after bruce was hired and said hold on a minute, i can't go into dan's office, that has to go to bruce. has that been different for you?
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>> it's a little bit of a misperception here when joe gibbs was here for over four seasons. nobody came to talk to me about football and same thing now. there's a similarity between mike shanahan and joe gibbs that they take command. for me, it's easy. i don't want to be involved. i enjoy this draft probable more than any draft we had because these guys work so hard at preparation and it is so different than the structure, and i can tell you that i thought the trades and the moves that bruce made to accomplish what he accomplished was remarkable. it was a great redskins day and i think people two or three years from now will love this draft. >> think people thought tony was out of his mind to suggest the suit against the city paper. was there any concern? >> sure. you always second guess things like that. i hired him to do a job and i respect him. i think he's a talented guy, and i think i'm in good hands. i get over it and move on and
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life is not that focused. i think the person that writes there has an obsession some sort of issue and needs to get over it and grow up. >> it doesn't sound like they're dropping the lawsuit any time soon. took a jab at old vinnie there. there was talk on sports talk radio that serato. i don't think that would be the case. >> he also said that his biggest mistake as an owner and there have been several that he talked about. his biggest mistake was hiring jim zorn. didn't say zorn by name and said the coach before shanahan was probably his biggest mistake. >> and one of the guys responsible for that, of course, is vinnie cerrato. >> wield agree that was one of the biggest? >> i would say. >> you can find the rest of our interview with dan snide or redskins players out on the field wrapping up their final
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day of the pseudomini camp. i got a chance to talk to mike shanahan and asked him what he thought about the players getting together. he said he's seen some of the video on tv and lapsing and it looked like pickup football and he just loves the fact that the guys are working as a group and whether they're work out or grabbing a beer, he thinks it would be great for them to be together. 39 players made it to the workout this afternoon including ten of the redskins 12 draft picks and not too much heavy lifting at these workouts and it remains to be seen how much of an effect this will have as a team, but the players feel like they accomplished something. >> think it was very productive for guys and the reeks coming and trying to understand the terminology to come out when the offense is making adjustments and motioning across and able to get out there with somewhat live reps with guys like kerrigan. we all know he can pass rush and the coverage comes very slow. the more reps he can get and it
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will come in and be able to play. really gave the rookies some stuff so they can have a foundation. now the next time we'll give him a little bit more and take it to the next level and teach him more of the concepts and stuff like that. >> working out is good, but this football stuff is different. you can't just go out there and do it. you have to be in sync and have rhythm going. >> the next player only workout if the lockout continues will probably be in another month or so. baseball time, nats off tonight. they host the padres tomorrow. meanwhile the os working overtime, but it was worth it. royals and orioles at camden yard. os down 4-2, nolan up with two on two out and he says get out. crushes one deep to left field and a home run and his second of the game and gave the orioles a 5-4 lead. pops it up and check out the play by the catcher.
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just a great catch by craig tatum here. man, you've got to like that. so we're going to extra innings, tied at 5. v lad guerrero and he was 0 for 5 and calls this a single right up the gut and here comes robert and dino. a walkoff win and baltimore beats kansas city 6-5 and the orioles have won five straight and they're back to 500 for the first time in a long time. on the basketball front, justin anderson has committed to virginia and anderson was committed to maryland and changed his mind when gary williams left anderson and one of the top high school juniors in the country. until they will tee it up at the u.s. open until right here on nbc 4 and they played a congressional and that's where we continue our tour of the course with director of golf
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john lieburger. today it's hole number four. >> number 4, new tee box and we had some on the fairway that were removed and optical, it made the hole look like it's longer because you lose definition where the mounds were. i love the changes and the fairway was shifted more to the left and you can see the rough over on the right hand side and it has been brought out into the fairway which now creates a little more angle to this hole than there used to be. if you're driving down the ride side you couldn't get into the rough and blocked out by the trees and it starts about 150 yards into this hole. >> this green is very severe and it's got undulations to it. it's 14, 14 1/2. in terms of speed, you will bring in every contour and every undulation on the green. so being in the right quadrant or the right part of the green
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will be very critical. >> hole number 4 a good place for maybe you guys to watch a round or two. >> exactly. >> will the ominous music be playing in the background? >> we might be able to work it out for you. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. doug's ready with an update on the stormy weather. >> another severe thunderstorm warning for portions of west virginia as well as frederick county, maryland right now. this storm is a dangerous storm right over martinsburg right now, moving over hedge'sville and downsville and shepherds town, west virginia. this storm will be in your area in the next 10 to 20 minutes and moving up toward boonsboro and it does not include the town of frederick and watch out just to the north of frederick and this means business. quarter-sized hail has been reported with this storm so
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did you know in the past year and a half there's been a baby boom at the national zoo? john schriffen interviewses us to the man that may have the magic baby touch.
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>> reporter: they're the hottest attraction right now at the national zoo. seven lion cubs all less than a year old. the man responsible for playing matchmaker between the king of the jungle and the two mothers is craig safo, the curator of the lions, tigers and bears exhibits. >> we're kind of like the computer dating service for most of our animals. you know, they come together and they sniff noses and then we decide okay, it's time for you to have your real first date and then we open that gate and there you go. >> in the past year and a half since take the current position, safo has facilitated a baby boom in the zoo, and the first of their kind to be born to survive in this country since 2005 and then came the lions and most recently in december, a giantant eater was born and joined the national zoo family. animal keeper karen abbott credits safo's patients. he's willing to relax and not force the animals into the plan
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and let them dictate the plan us to. >> he saw the birth of his first child coral who just turned 1-year-old. many say the curator has the magic baby touch. >> i've had a great team surrounding me everywhere that i go, and if it makes me look like i have the midas touch, i'll take it. >> the next one is to get the sumatran tigers to mate. right now they're on the critically endangered species list and 400 to 500 left in the entire world. safo says introducing two new tigers is not only difficult, but can be dangerous. >> if you don't get it right and you don't put them together at exactly the right times there could be a violent outcome so we have to pay even more specific attention with them. >>. >> reporter: with all of this baby experience, safo thinks his team is ready and maybe he'll move on next to the pandas and we'll see the next tysean. >> we love those baby animals except theant eaters.
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>> i don't know if we like those, but i'll tell you, still big storms out there and these storms really mean business. right now coming through the hagerstown area, shepherdstown, you're in this line as well and a severe thunderstorm warning in effect until 7:45 including frederick county maryland. temperatures over the next couple of days will be nice and warm and expect the showers and thunderstorms and exactly what we expect as we unofficially kick off summer. >> thank you, doug. >> rolling thunder kicked off the memorial day celebration early this year. >> a little loud, dude. dozens of people helped make and deliver meals to veterans in tacoma park and it's part of the meals on wheels program. it lost volunteers because of skyrocketing gas prices and members of rolling thunder were glad to help out. on sunday, tense of thousands of men and women on motorcycs


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